Sir Mark Todd KNZM CBE & Lady Carolyn Todd:
“Gavin’s work is an invaluable part of our regime”
Stuart Duncan BVMS CertEP MRCVS: Senior Partner at Liphook Veterinary Hospital.
“I have known & worked with Gavin for approximately 20 years. This has involved working on a wide range of equine orthopaedic problems & a varied caseload. Gavin’s involvement has always been to the highest standards, extremely professional & committed, resulting in many successful outcomes….”

Kitty King riding Zidante
(Right) regular client Kitty King riding Zidante, on her way to becoming 7 year old World Champion in 2011:
“I use Gavin on a regular basis for all my competition horses to help them achieve optimum performance; I find Gavin’s unique approach invaluable.”
Kitty King is an International 4* event rider who was the first person to represent Great Britain at all levels (pony, junior, young rider and senior teams).
Tom McEwen, international 4* event rider and British Team member and medalist:
“Gavin has been working with my horses this season and the difference is incredible. His approach and assessment of each of them as an individual has resulted in my team being fitter and stronger physically which is essential for top level competition horses”.
Pat Burgess: renowned jumping coach, Coach to the British Olympic Eventing Team 1980-89 and trainer to legendary names such as Lucinda Green, Richard Meade and Ginny Leng:
“I am one of Gavin’s greatest fans and at 83 one of the oldest! He has an amazing gift in his work and i have seen fantastic results in the horses I have referred. Also Gavin kindly agreed to treat me as well and without my regular monthly visits to Gavin I would not be able to fulfil my passion and to continue with my teaching and RDA work…I owe Gavin the hugest thanks.”
As a Veterinary Orthopaedic Clinician, I have worked with Gavin for many years and often rely on him where my methods fall short of making horses move comfortably . Although Gavin is deservedly very busy, he works to a very high standard and I am constantly impressed by the positive results he achieves with our mutual patients”
David Sinclair B Vet Med Cert ES (Orth) MRCVS
Senior Partner at major referral centre “Bell Equine Hospital”, Kent.

Julie Hugo
Julie Hugo, dressage rider, trainer and winner of National titles:
“Gavin has been tremendous in helping my horses to fulfil their full potential. He has an uncanny ability to understand the demands on a top competition horse and enables them to be comfortable with the amount of athleticism they have to give.”